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What do you pull your checkmate with??

Now you need to pull that 6.0 out and drop a old 12 valve 5.9 in it and build that then you will have something just kidding nice truck!
Now you need to pull that 6.0 out and drop a old 12 valve 5.9 in it and build that then you will have something just kidding nice truck!

Lol, nah, I like doing it the hard way. :D I actually have a '94 Dodge 12 valve truck that I just sold. Waiting on the check to get here this week. Gotta love getting an extra 100rwhp with a screwdriver, a grinder, and some flat washers, lol. But it's gonna pay for rods for the 6.0 so I can push it past 800rwhp. evil.gif

Mate Puller

Here's my Dad's rig. (jim235) He's got a 235 Persuader.


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I did once with my old truck:



Managed to get 3rd out of a field of 30+ trucks though. :D That truck was a blast. It was an '02 with the 7.3 (the white one is an '04 6.0) and managed a best of 12.18 on 37" Toyos at 8300lbs with me in it. But at that weight it wasn't very transmission/rear end friendly, lol. :brickwall: The white truck "only" weighs 7000lbs with me in it and half a tank of fuel.

Has anyone pulled with one of the new F150 EcoBoost trucks yet? I hear they're supposed to be some bad mamma-jammas.


I could never keep any of my stock 6.0Ls together. I cant even remember how many injectors I replaced. Replaced a few Turbos and EGR coolers also. Hope my new 6.7L holds up better.
No checkmate here but if I had one here is what I would tow it with.
tows my 6.5x12 trailer with lawn equiptment great, towed s-10 on car trailer o.k., scissor lift on hydraulic lift trailer was a little sketchy.
Who'd have thought you'd have a Ford Ranger? :) Honestly, I thought you had one of them Ranger fishing boats. So you have not boat at all? You're even smarter than I first thought.
Who'd have thought you'd have a Ford Ranger? :) Honestly, I thought you had one of them Ranger fishing boats. So you have not boat at all? You're even smarter than I first thought.

That's not a ranger it's an Explorer but I have had 3 rangers and no boats to speak of right now.
Not much difference between the two other than the cab of the SportTrac is roomier than the Ranger. It's a little wider than the Ranger.
Here's the rig that proudly towed the Checkmate (when I had it) around... it's waiting on a new boat to pull around!!!


Send the Dodge up here, I got plenty of stuff for it to tow around. Mine is getting old and starting to nickel and dime me to death.
