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What do you pull your checkmate with??

Thanks guys! iv thought of dropin it but figured it would make it ride worse than it already does. i have put lowering shackle's and removed blocks on the rear. The 2 wheel drive does ok around here, we have pretty good ramps and normally not much of a winter.

When done correctly they ride is as good as stock and sometimes better.
No truck boat combo pics but heres the pics of each, use your imagination till i snap some, last pic is my old tow rig btw.
When done correctly they ride is as good as stock and sometimes better.
^^I'd have to agree with Google boy on that!:rof:
My tahoe rides great now that it's been lowered. It was done right and even has adjustable air lift helper springs in the rear for towing. Dave has towed his landscape trailer with "da hoe" and I am sure he will agree with me. :bigthumb:

MATT, how does your 1500 do... any issues getting in and out of the ramps? Do you have any helper springs in the rear?? I am guessing there is little to no tongue weight with the 'flite
^^I'd have to agree with Google boy on that!:rof:
My tahoe rides great now that it's been lowered. It was done right and even has adjustable air lift helper springs in the rear for towing. Dave has towed his landscape trailer with "da hoe" and I am sure he will agree with me. :bigthumb:

MATT, how does your 1500 do... any issues getting in and out of the ramps? Do you have any helper springs in the rear?? I am guessing there is little to no tongue weight with the 'flite

It tows great. I get 16 mpg. No prob at the ramp. I do have the helper bags in it. The flite has a heave tongue. Prolly 150 lbs.
Not sure if I posted this one. This is back in 2003 when I picked up the Predictor. Its a 96 Isuzu Rodeo. I owned two of them. Loved them both.

2 wheeler. It had adjustable torsion bar keys so I could go up and down for summer and winter. Just had to take the key off and rotate it. I could do a 4" drop for $50 on a set of rear blocks.

I believe they were. A lot of the Japanese 4x4's were. We cranked them up some on the Montero my wife had and set it on 33" MT's on black D spoke wheels. Heated leather seats and a giant sunroof in a capable off road vehicle. So wrong but so right.
