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What do you pull your checkmate with??

Here is my latest creation hooked to my 251. It's a 2007 Classic style Chevy HD2500 with a 6.0. I bought it wrecked in the front. The frame was junk and the nose was wrecked from the doors forward. I had also bought a 2005 HD2500 with a six inch lift that was flooded in Hurricane Sandy. I used the frame and suspension lift from the flooder and built what you see here from the frame up. I still have a few little bugs to work out but it made it's maiden voyage with the Convincor today with no trouble. Handles the load a lot better than my Denali did and the ground clearance should make some of the tricky boat launches a bit easier. I had the Denali in up to the top of the back bumper more than once before the boat started to floatjune30pics016_zps12de0734.jpg


I knew Karen was stopping by the shop as she hadn't seen the boat in daylight yet so I left the scoop on there. It took her less than 2 seconds to say what the hell is that. Get that off the truck now.

Nice rig...

I'm wondering though how well does that half ton tow that 253?
Tows well. Handles good, brakes good, trailer has surge disk on both axles. Plenty of power to pull hills cruises 70 on the highway with no problems.
Boat is a couple thousand pounds below the trucks advertised capacity.
It has been pushed beyond capacity a time or 2 with other loads. Longest distance was a 283 with twins from Cincy to LC, heaviest was a short trip from helping a friend with his 38' Fountain.
Due to some...erm...questionable events, the dealer and I came to an understanding that it would be better for me to be in a new 2014 Ram than the white 2012 I had. Just haven't been able to get some shots with it hooked to the boat.
Although I wanted white to match up with the boat that was not possible so the "granite crystal" was more a match with a couple other items in the "fleet.
