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jeff,s enchanter resto

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what changes on the bottom? you just took the hook out eh? the red is going to make it fly!
Go to page 37 ,post #368 he added more lifting strakes to the bottom of the hull also ,and maybe take a peek on page 34 , post #334 which should give you a general idea of how the bottom looked prior to adding the strakes .:bigthumb:
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Looks great, Jeff! That's a lot of hard work completed for sure! Can't wait to see the red on it as well. Great job so far!!
Jeff , i will be talking with you tomorrow ............................... and to tell you the truth this thread as really been fun for me ......no ......B/S ...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::bigthumb:
sam i am , i just might be in your neck of the woods purchasing a trailer load of product ( seconds ) which very well could be everything and anything .:sssh::sssh::sssh:
Jeff ,:sssh::sssh::sssh: now that i am a Commander ....also ....do me one favor , and that is ........................please do not post anything untill we talk .....tomorrow ...........Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ...................
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