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between her butt shacking and that big O slab of ribs I don't think I am going to make it till wed. I need a vacation :surf::surf::surf:

Wish i was packing to make the trip down but its looking like im not gonna make it this year. Take lots of pics and enjoy!!! Im going to try to get out somewhere locally Friday but wont get to do any weekend boating at all this weekend... :(
Wish i was packing to make the trip down but its looking like im not gonna make it this year. Take lots of pics and enjoy!!! Im going to try to get out somewhere locally Friday but wont get to do any weekend boating at all this weekend... :(

Damn, was hoping to show off my paint work on your boat and meeting you. No biggie, we all know how life happens! Would you be able/interested in doing an Ohio river run??
Damn, was hoping to show off my paint work on your boat and meeting you. No biggie, we all know how life happens! Would you be able/interested in doing an Ohio river run??

Im always interested in running! however my gf just lost her job so it will all depend on finance. Probably will have to stick close to home for a few weeks and see how things go. Dont wanna strap myself to tight and end up having to sell the tow vehicle!! :rof:
I hope so! most lakes in my neck of the woods are boring and i love to travel with it! I think its last trip out of state this year might be to the shootout tho. And it will only be making that trip cause everyone else will be covering the fuel bill... But by next spring i will have gas money again one way or another!! Even if it means selling the 2012 truck and buying a 1992 truck to tow her with!!
Wish i was packing to make:brickwall: the trip down but its looking like im not gonna make it this year. Take lots of pics and enjoy!!! Im going to try to get out somewhere locally Friday but wont get to do any weekend boating at all this weekend... :(

I was looking forward to seeing you boat. Its in my top 5 :brickwall: next time