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Your not alone. I was going over my trailer again tonight and noticed one of my brake lines was broke in half at the cylinder so I have a little extra work in the morn.Then we outta here. If it wasnt for them mountains I would let it ride but.... Them ribs look mmm mmm goooooooood. Are them for lunch Thursday :drool:
Don't goof off and miss the ribs. I hear there really good. Rain preventing me from getting to them so I just got the hear all about them.

Have fun, be safe.
I be there 9:30 10 ish Friday.. Dad and one of my buddies is coming up Friday night.... I may try and take off half day tomarrow too... We aren't getting much accomplished this week anyway :brickwall:.....
Made it home, I've been having some ignition problems with the new truck and I had a few nervous hours last night, almost thought i was going to have to call for someone to come get me or I'd miss the flight, disconnected the batteries for a while and it started for me again, now it won't shut off again... dropping this POS at the dealer right now and forgetting about it.

Flight leaves in 12 hours :banana:
I was wondering if you would have truck issues..... wasn't going to say anything and jinx you, Eh!! See you soon. Hopefully you won't have issues finding my truck ;) I can make a sign to hold up if that would help,LOL!