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No worries, I'm sure there will be a variety of spirits to choose from, Dead and un-dead.:cheers:

i'm not so on alcohol anymore.

i have my e tickets in today.

18-jul amsterdam detroit 1320-1550 hrs
18 jul detroit cincinnati 1725-1837 hrs flightime 11hrs 17min dist. 6837km

22-jul cincinnati- detroit 1940-2054 hrs
22-jul detroit-amsterdam 2155-1135 hrs (23july) flight time 09.55min dist 6837km
It's cold and rainy in Cincy right now. I'm sitting here daydreaming of warm weather and clean water at the lake. This calendar can't move quick enough.
I know what your sayin Dave. Its almost torture like waiting for the season to start. The worst part is I can't even work on my boat til the weather breaks. I booked our room at Grider and time has been draggin ever since.Only another 20 wks or so to go.:sleep::yell::sleep:
i think work is going to rip me off on this weekend. I have several big projects the 2 weeks before and will probably be running line trials that weekend. :mad:
I booked our room starting on Thursday the 18th -Sunday nite leaving sometime Monday.We might even drive down Wens. and stay somewhere down that way Wens. nite.My son Cam and his GF are going to come along with us. He just turned 21 so we will be able to party on! Sweeeeeet.:cheers::bounce: :banana::rof::banana: