The enjoyment of speending a weekend on the boat, cranking on the throtle, not at the daily grind makes it all worth it. Somethings money can buy but its better not to know how much it cost ya!
Looking great. Amazing workmanship throughout the project. I am having a problem with my floor where it meets the hull. I am not happy with it so I might pull my carpet back up. What the problem is I think I might have mixed the resign to hot and it dried before it soaked all the way through the mat. I bought this reall heavy mat thinking it would be better that doing several layers but now when I bounce right on top of the seam, I can hear it making a slight cracking noise. I have never had a problem like this before and it sucks. Oh well I will pull the carpet and check whats going on and get it fixed. This time I am going to use the stranded mesh mat and do several layers to make sure its going to hold.
Yellow I did the same thing mixing the resin to hot and had to sand that area and try again.