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New interior

Damn, drinking beer on the job, no wonder why its taking so long!!!

You done yet?
Done yet?
Done yet?
Done yet?

DONE YET!!!????

NO I ain't done yet, still drinking on the job and waiting for your crippled a$$ to show up and help, beers are on me:cheers:

The rear seat is the only spot in the boat I found rusty staples, everything else is stainless, must have been apart before.

So far I've got all the side panel staples out and the rear seat base rebuilt and ready for vinyl, the side panel wood is nice and dry and even the foam in the rear seat was dry.

Tomorrow's job will be to rebuild the rear seat back rest and what ever else I can get done, off work till Monday so I should make some decent progress by then.
John, when you get a chance could you snap a couple of photos and/or give a description of how the rear seatback goes in. Mine isn't original and I've never convinced myself that whoever made it knew what they were doing.
John, when you get a chance could you snap a couple of photos and/or give a description of how the rear seatback goes in. Mine isn't original and I've never convinced myself that whoever made it knew what they were doing.

Here are some pics of the base and seat back, it is on some hinges that kind of slide together so all you have to do to remove it is lift it up and slide it to the right and inch, here are a few of the base also, it is all 5/8" wood and the outside pieces of the base are just doubled up.


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one more, it looks like I'm gonna have fun cutting this small strip the runs along the top of the seat back that the hinges attach to.

work might be suspended for a while today, it's -38 here and the furnace in the house seems to have quit, my wife has 5 daycare kids here today plus our two and their starting to complain that it's cold in here:confused: wimps, looks like the garage heater is coming in the house for the day, put a call in to a heating place 2 hours ago and still waiting.


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NO I ain't done yet, still drinking on the job and waiting for your crippled a$$ to show up and help, beers are on me:cheers:
Looks like there would be a couple crippled drunk guys working on it then!! I will be up as soon as its above freezing.... so like august :poke:
Looks like there would be a couple crippled drunk guys working on it then!! I will be up as soon as its above freezing.... so like august :poke:

haha, it was above freezing today buddy, 40's all weekend, what do you think about the side panels? no matter what we did you could still see the indents from the buttons because the foam was squished and they were still in good shape so we put them back on.
Did alright tonight, got the side panels on and the back seat in, the blue stripes on the back seat are about 3/8" out but I kind of half expected that, you can only tell if you look straight at it, from the side I don't really think you can tell, it bugs me but I think I can live with it.


I just spent 2 hours removing the staples on ONE side panal:o

It would almost be better if the wood was rotten and they would just fall out, I might be able to speed it up if I wasn't trying to save the old skins but I'm trying to save them in case I ever come across a old mate with a trashed interior, these skins are still pretty good and would be more than OK if I find a boat to fix up for resale, some guys in the US are practically giving these boats away and they still bring a good dollar up here in Canada, thinking I'll find a project for next winter and these old skins might come in handy.

John I dont understand why you had such trouble getting your old skins off. I just did my front back rest in 60 seconds flat! haha..... and yes it is much easier when rotten!


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Well I was out in the garage until 3 AM last night and didn't fall asleep until around 5 AM because all I could think about was those blue stripes not lining up quite right, decided I can't live with it, guess I'm headed out to the garage to pull staples :irked: maybe a quick nap first thought, had to take 13 four year olds from my daughters pre school class tobogganing at 9 AM, moving a little slow today with only 3 hours sleep last night.

Anyone else looking to do this make sure you just put in a few staples on the ends where the seat comes together and do a test fit before you go nuts stapling like I did, my boat was 30 miles away from where we were doing this so that makes it harder to test fit as well, lesson learned I guess.