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New interior

Well I ran into a few problems this week, problem #1 is I found that all the old stuff had foam sewn into it and the new skins don't, I never noticed on the back seat because I just ripped the old one's off and threw them to the side and rebuilt the wood and took the new wood, the foam that was on the seat and the new skins to my buddy's to put on, the back seat looks great but is not near as comfortable as it was before.

I called Mike and he said I must have a deluxe model? any way the bow seats and buckets will look loose now and we have to add 1/2" foam to everything just glued in place instead of stitched, I decided to send the buckets out to a shop to get done but my buddy and I are doing everything else, not exactly just pull the staples and staple the new stuff on anymore.:( I guess everything 92' and newer has no foam sewn in but deluxe models prior to that does, we are now waiting for heat resistant glue that had to be ordered.

Here is the stitched in foam that did not come on the new skins.



I will make it work but it's a big pain in the a$$.

Now for problem #2

My buddy went to do the flat pieces today and discovered that the piece of vinyl that was sent for the bow insert is about 8" to short, I guess I should have rolled everything out and took a look when I got it, I think a lot of the newer boats have a narrower insert here?


he also noticed that there were no pieces for the back of the bow seats, that would be what you see if you were to look under the dash.

I called Mike again and he is sending the extra vinyl needed to complete everything, the vinyl worked out good for the dash support panels and we can use the piece that was too short for one of the bow seat backs and the storage lid, good news is I just put the dash support panels back in and the center window still fits, lol


Also got the storage lid done.


Now hurry up and wait for glue and the rest of the vinyl to come, I know it will look good when done but have to admit I was a little frustrated today, and what made matters worse was I was just driving all day, 700 miles and this was on my mind the whole time, nothing I can do about it but can't help but think about it.

Thanks for the phone chat and a few laughs today Brian, might just have kept me from driving into oncoming traffic:rof:
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Here is the piece of vinyl that is too short, we thought about cutting it and putting in a few pieces of blue in the middle to make it work but it would be hard to match it up getting it from a different supplier.


And then here are the pieces that are missing altogether for the bow seat backs.


I can understand working with a boat that's 22 years old how the factory could forget about a few pieces and one phone call to Mike and he is making it right so it's not a big deal.
I replaced some interior pieces in my boat and like you not everything was the same. I had to be "creative" on a few pieces but it looks good now. just take your time and think everything through and all will be fine!:thumb:
Jeeze !!! John , I didn't think It was going to be that much work.. I'm glad mine isn't open bow.. I'm taking your advise and letting the pro's do my buckets ( Maybe ).. Depends on the cost.. But I think you are doing a hell of a good job.. It must be the COORs.. I was sad when my side covers did not come with a horse on them like the old ones... Crap !!:pissed:
Looks like it is coming together. Glad to see Check is taking care of the problems. Keep us posted.
John, sorry you're having frustration, but your boat is going to look AWESOME when it's done. Can't wait to see the finished product! :thumb:
I know all too well how frusterating boat repairs can be....hang in there Bud......It will be beautiful when it is done! I have faith in ya!
Thanks for all the positive comments guy's, this community rocks!!! it really helps to keep me motivated, not sure how much I'll get done in the next little bit, I have to get my house finished because it is going up for sale Mar 15th, that only leaves about 5 day's that I won't be on the road between now and then, but knowing me I'll work on the house in the day time and be out in the garage in the middle of the night, just keep the Coors flowing and it will get done, LOL.

Stay tuned for more pics, I'm sure I'll get something done this weekend.

Don good luck with yours and make sure to post up some pics, it's really not that bad just a little time consuming and the pay off is more than worth it, just seeing what my back seat and side panels look like all done makes me happy in my pants:rof:
We all know that a resto is a work in progress; that looks like excellent stuff right there! Keep the faith brohter and it'll be worth it! Trust me!

Thanks, your boat looks great too, it was partially from seeing your interior that inspired me to order one from Mike.

The boat work has been put on hold for the last few weeks as we've been dealing with house stuff but I've got most of it figured out now and am going to get going on the rest of the interior in the next few weekends, the missing piece of vinyl finally came this week so I have everything to finish it off now, not like there is any hurry, it's been a real cold spring here so far and people are still driving on the lake, looks like the ice will be very late coming off.
Just curious when do you get out on the water there? How long is your season there?

Usually the lake 30 miles south of here will open up by April 15th, the lake that our cabin is on which is 100 miles north west of here is anywhere from May 1st - May 15th but I have seen it earlier, I go to the local lake as soon as the ice is gone until I get word that the ice is off our lake and then I haul the boat up there and leave it, same thing in the fall, I usually bring the boat home around the end of Sept and use it on the weekends here until the end of Oct.

I definitely make the most of our short season here, last year I managed to pump over $2400 in fuel through just the Checkmate, never kept track of the pontoon, in my eyes if there is open water it's nice enough to go boating, there ain't much that will keep us off the lake, last year it was early coming off and we never missed one weekend between April 7th and Oct 31st. both those lake usually freeze completely over by around the 5th of Nov.
Hey Jon how far do you live from the duck mountains? I did some bowhunting for bears up there a couple times over the years. I talked to the outfitter up there today and was told they still have a ton snow on the ground. If thats the case you will be waiting awhile yet. Hearing that maybe I dont have it so bad here - our snow is gone now!
Hey Jon how far do you live from the duck mountains? I did some bowhunting for bears up there a couple times over the years. I talked to the outfitter up there today and was told they still have a ton snow on the ground. If thats the case you will be waiting awhile yet. Hearing that maybe I dont have it so bad here - our snow is gone now!

I'm about 7 hours west of there, we still have a ton of snow and it's been snowing here all day, we haven't had any real warm weather yet to melt any snow or ice, at this point I'm thinking we might still have ice on the lake on may long weekend.

here are some pics that where taken on Sunday at the lake




And this is what we still got in Saskatoon


Gonna be a while yet till I'm on the water:irked:
Damn all that snow!!!! I guess you don't want hear it was 92* and sunny down in Charleston SC this past weekend. :poke: Btw the new skins look great in the boat!!!:thumb:
Got my buckets back in this morning, just had time to take a few crappy phone pics, I'll get some better pics this weekend, I put a little extra foam in the front seat bottoms and they do look like there might be a little too much in them but I don't care, I don't think they look bad and with my bad back comfort is more important than looks anyway, just a few cushions to finish up in the bow and she's done :banana:


Got my buckets back in this morning, just had time to take a few crappy phone pics, I'll get some better pics this weekend, I put a little extra foam in the front seat bottoms and they do look like there might be a little too much in them but I don't care, I don't think they look bad and with my bad back comfort is more important than looks anyway, just a few cushions to finish up in the bow and she's done :banana:



John your seats looks great, but really love the head rest picture in the signature!!:p:thumb:.